You have a problem on your credit report that you feel could easily be solved if you just told a little fib. Everything would quickly be taken care of, and you could move on with your life. Wrong! Getting caught sharing false information is only going to make things worse.
There is a specific process to be followed when dealing with a credit reporting agency. The facts are all they want, and you better be able to provide them.
Read on to learn what the specific process is before trying to dispute a credit issue.
If It Were Easy
A long, long time ago, back when things were simpler, you could jot a note to the credit bureau telling them you found something incorrect on your report. The bureau would open your account, and erase the disputed information. Easy!
Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way anymore. Thanks to a handful of dishonest people who discovered how easy it was to get rid of something, they switched the process. The fibbers got caught claiming an account or debt wasn’t theirs when it was. It created a huge mess for bill collectors, creditors, and bureaus. We now have a system to avoid this.
Expect the Worst
It would be nice if the first time you sent a letter, the problem disappeared. We are here to tell you that’s not going to happen. The initial contact you have with them will be filed, and most likely dismissed.
You have to send the same details to the bill collector or creditor, as well. This is why telling only facts is imperative! If you tell the truth, you don’t have to worry about covering up later on.
Heading to the Courtroom
What? Court? Who said anything about court? Lawyers, judges, and courtrooms can all be a real part of clearing up a credit reporting issue. We hope it doesn’t have to go that far, but there is a likely chance it could.
When you truly know your report is wrong, you will do what it takes to to fix it. A major problem could keep you from getting a loan and owning a home, so it’s worth it to take it as far as necessary.
This is why only truths must be told through the entire process. False information t can be brought in front of the judge. He or she will look at the lies, and most likely deny you. If you lied before, they are going to have a hard time trusting you are telling the truth now.
What to Walk Away With
You should never, under any circumstances, lie to get something off your credit report. Lying never turns out well. It’s okay if you don’t know what to say. Not everyone knows how to properly handle these situations. That’s when you should get in contact with a pro. We have credit specialists standing by to help.
Have you tried to lie to get out of a credit report problem? What happened? Tell us in the comments below.