If you’re getting nowhere writing letters to dispute an error on your credit report, it can be frustrating. You may be considering giving up altogether. After all, you’re just one person up against a huge organization!
Don’t be dismayed.
There are backup steps to take when a normal letter doesn’t work. Why should you be stuck with bad credit through no fault of your own? You shouldn’t have to face rejected loan applications or difficulties securing a mortgage due to inaccuracies on your report.
Try these tactics to make sure you are not held responsible.
Escalate the Issue
Has the credit bureau insisted there’s no mistake? Have you tried writing letters, and tried getting the creditor involved with no result?
If so, it’s time to move to escalate the issue!
Send a copy of the letter you received from the Bureau, together with all the information available regarding the situation, to the Better Business Bureau, the State’s Attorney General, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. It’s best to also include your own letter explaining this situation, how it’s affecting you, and what you’d like to see happen.
File a Complaint
Complaining is never fun. It can feel like a hassle to submit a complaint, but it’s the only way to get things done.
File a complaint with the Bureau and the creditor. In most cases, these complaints will go to the Federal Trade Commission. It could also be looked at by the local state consumer protection agency, as they also have authority in this area.
Your complaint will be taken seriously and dealt with promptly through a complaints procedure. Remember to print out a copy and keep it in your files.
Is It Time For A Lawsuit?
This is a slightly more extreme option. However, if your life has been or has the potential to be made more difficult due to someone else’s reporting error, you need to do something to change it. A lawsuit may be the only way you can fix this issue if all other avenues are exhausted. Remember, though, you need to do this within five days of noticing the problem.
Get In Touch With a Congressional Representative or Senator
The entire purpose of the Congressional representatives and state senators in your area is to protect and advocate for the people. Therefore, it’s completely within your rights to ask for their assistance. If you feel as if you are being taken advantage of, write a letter to one of these lawmakers. They need to know that the laws they created are not being followed, and take action on your behalf.
Team Up With a Professional Credit Repair Company
Everyone can use a helping hand from time to time, especially when managing complicated financial issues. If working alone seems to be failing, there are credit repair companies that specialize in this kind of work. We can remove the weight from your shoulders, and take care of the details to ensure the proper procedures are followed.
It May Take a Fight, but You Will Win
If you’re worried about removing a black mark from your credit report and have explored the normal routes without success, don’t give up hope. Laws are in place to ensure you have rights when it comes to your credit. Why shouldn’t you exercise them?
Following these important steps can help clear things and get you back on track. If you’d like support from someone who knows this industry well, give us a call today to discuss a plan of action.